Elder Class
Year 6 Staff (ID 1200)
Mr Justin GouldClass Teacher
Mr Justin Gould
Mrs Antonia CussonsElder Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs Antonia Cussons
Mr Carl ShearsElder Class Teaching Assistant
Mr Carl Shears
Hello and welcome to Elder Class!
This will be my 6th year teaching Year 6 and there is lots for your child to look forward to and I hope they will enjoy their time this year as much as I do. For our Year 6's It is the year before they move on to Secondary school, so we always try to make it an enjoyable experience and get them all prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. This year I also have some Year 5's joining my class so they are lucky enough to get me for two years in a row!
Of course, this is the year of the SATs assessments BUT rest-assured that our learning journey towards the SATs is a road we will walk together so they are all fully prepared. Year 6 is all about working hard and playing hard and we have a Year 5/6 curriculum that allows us to do both!
Along with our exciting topics, they can look forward to many exciting adventures: trip to Exmoor National Park, Bridport Tag-Rugby Tournament, Year 6 SATs party, the Residential Trip with Land & Wave, Windsurfing in Portland, the fantastic Year 6 End of Year Performance and the Leavers Party! Phew...
The class will have a brilliant time together I am sure: enjoying the trips and learning about the new topics that we do. I am sure they will live up to my high expectations and fulfil their full potential in the penultimate or final year at Greenford School together.
Mr Gould 👍
Timetables (2024-2025)
Elder Class Timetable - Autumn 1
Elder Class Timetable - Autumn 2
Elder Class Timetable - Spring 1
Elder Class Timetable - Spring 2
Learning Links
Letter-Join Accelerated Reader TT Rockstars spag.com maths.co.uk Atom Learning (Homework)
Class News
Click the links below to see the latest learning in Year 6 on our Class Dojo page!
Class Dojo Parent Login Class Dojo Student Login
Autumn 1 - This term we will be learning...
Whole Class Reading Book: Skellig
English Writing Stimulus: Frankenstein
Mathematics: Number and Place Value
Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 6 Mathematics.
Geography: Britain's National Parks - Who are they for?
PE: Tag Rugby
Computing: Computing systems and networks - communication and collaboration
Art and DT: 2d drawing to 3D modelling
RE: What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?
PSHE: Me and My Relationships
Science: Animals including Humans
French: Phonetics and Presenting Myself
Music: Hey Mr Miller (Focus: Swing music, syncopation, swing rhythm, Big band instruments, scat singing, social and historical context [WWII, segregation], Hey, Mr Miller, In the mood)
Autumn 2 - This term we will be learning...
Whole Class Reading Book: Skellig and Nowhere Emporium
English Writing Stimulus: Frankenstein / The Raven / The Polar Express
Mathematics: Multiplication and Division
Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 6 Mathematics.
History: Why did Britain once rule the largest empire the world has ever seen?
PE: Dodgeball and Dance
Computing: Creating Media - Web Page Creation
Art and DT: Playground Design
RE: How significant is it that Mary was Jesus’ mother? Do sacred texts have to be ‘true’ to help people understand their religion?
PSHE: Valuing Difference
Science: Diet, Exercise, Drugs and Alcohol
French: Presenting Myself and My Family
Music: Shadows - Lindsey Stirling. Musical focus: Artists and their influences, compare musical genres (country, electronic dance music, rock, classical, soul).
Spring 1 - This term we will be learning...
Whole Class Reading Book: The Nowhere Emporium
English Writing Stimulus: The Titanic
Mathematics: Geometry and Measurement
Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 5 Mathematics
Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 6 Mathematics.
Geography: How do volcanoes affect the lives of people on Hiemaey?
PE: Handball.
Computing: Programming - Variables in games.
Art and DT: Playground Design
RE: Is anything ever eternal?
PSHE: Valuing Difference.
Science: Diet: The transportation of water and nutrients around your body.
French: La Date - Days of the week, months of the year and numbers 1-31 will be introduced, revised and consolidated so, by the end of this unit, pupils will have the knowledge and skills to say the date and when their birthday is in French.
Music: Exploring identity through song.
Spring 2 - This term we will be learning...
Whole Class Reading Book: The Nowhere Emporium Continued
English Writing Stimulus: The Titanic Continued
Mathematics: Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and SATs preparation
Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 6 Mathematics.
History: What was life like in Ancient Greece?
PE: Handball
Computing: Introduction to spreadsheets
Art: Exploring Identity Through Art
RE: Does belief in Akhirah (life after death) help Muslims lead good lives?
PSHE: Rights and Respect
Science: Light
Music: Exploring Identity Through Song
Summer 1 - This term we will be learning...
Whole Class Reading Book: Greta's Story
English Writing Stimulus: High Flying Giraffes / Street Child
Mathematics: Algebra, reflection, rotation, translation and co-ordinates / SATs preparation
Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 6 Mathematics.
Geography: How is climate change affecting the world?
PE: Athletics / Dance / Swimming (After SATs)
Computing: 3D Modelling CAD - Tinkercad
Art: Shadow Puppetry - Inspiration from Lotte Reiniger
RE: Is Christianity still a strong religion 2000 years after Jesus was on Earth?
PSHE: Changes in Us
Science: Renewable Energy
French: Chez Moi - Our Home
Music: Shadows by Lindsey Sterling. Artists and their influences, compare musical genres (country, electronic dance music, rock, classical, soul).
Year 6 Geography Field Trip to Exmoor
Year 6 Residential 2022