Greenford Church of England VC Primary School

The Church of England


As Musicians…

Our children will:

  • have access to high-quality, practical, and engaging musical experiences.
  • develop the self-confidence, skills, knowledge, and understanding to develop a lifelong love of music, whilst also providing a secure foundation that enables them to take music further should they wish to.



School Music Development Plan 2024-2025:


At Greenford, Music is a timetabled subject and we follow the Sing Up scheme of work. There are sets of tuned and untuned instruments in school to use to support this scheme. This scheme is as ambitious as the National Curriculum and draws on insights from the Model Music Curriculum. Our current area of development within the curriculum is ensuring progression and assessment are embedded throughout all year groups.



In our school, singing is frequent and performance is a prominent part of school life , most evidently seen in Collective Worship, celebration assemblies and in-school events such as the annual Harvest Service, Carol Service and Easter Service. Our school facilitates one to one and group tuition to enable children to extend their musical learning beyond the curriculum. Our current area of development is to establish a music club in order to enrich children's musical experience at school.


Leadership and Management

A subject lead is in place for Music at Greenford and they are responsible for helping address CPD needs for other staff members as well as helping with understanding of the National Curriculum and National Plan for Music Education.


Community and Partnerships

Our school works as an active partner with the Dorset Music Hub and takes up opportunities signposted by them when we can. Community links are fostered when possible and musical events take place throughout the year. Our current area of development for the community is to increase wider community engagement in Music at Greenford. 

Music Knowledge and Skills

Curriculum Statement

Greenford's Music Curriculum

Sing Up's Progression Document

Greenford's Progression of Skills

Greenford's Progression of Knowledge and Understanding

Policies and Documents

Music National Curriculum

Model Music Curriculum

 Learning Links

 Practise our Ising Pop Collective Worship songs at home.

Ising Pop Videos

Listen to all sorts of people all over the country making different kinds of music on zoom.

Instructions are given to show you how to choose music and use the computer keyboard to play tunes on the virtual piano keyboard by following the letters.

Using a grid you can add your own percussion and melodic loops to create styles such as hip hop or techno. Have fun experimenting. Each stage and element of music is clearly explained.

Have fun with a variety of activities in which you can experiment with different ways of making sounds and music. You can compose songs and melodies, rhythmic patterns with percussion sounds, and explore electronic sounds. You can even create your own piece of sound art in the style of Kandinsky.


Music In Action